Exposition Art Blog: Helmut Leherb

Helmut Leherb

Helmut Leherbauer ((Vienna 1933-1997)Austrian Painter - "Maitre Leherb" and Co-founder of "Austrian Phantastic Realism", later turnded to Surrealism. He was born 14 February 1933 in Vienna and died 28 June 1997 in Vienna.
He studied at Vienna and Stockholm Art Academy. He worked a lot with ceramic and sculpturing. Some of his artworks can still be seen in Vienna. In later years he changed his style to more surrealistic elements by leaving "Austrian Phantastic Realism" and artists like Arik Brauer or Ernst Fuchs. He poisened himself with too much ceramic dust, so that his health condition was very bad in the last years of his life. He finally died in 1997. (discogs.com)

 In 1964 Leherb, with his Time Destruction Manifesto, was nominated for the Biennale in Venice, yet his participation was prevented by the government reshuffling of the new minister of education, Theodor Piffl-Percevic. What had been planned was a dark blue pavilion, in which dead doves, umbrellas and dolls would be attached to the walls. An art scandal loomed, which the tone-setting art journal in Paris, “Arts et Loisirs”, entitled “The first scandal of the Biennale in Venice!”. The German magazine “Stern” featured the scandal on the front page: “Surrealist Leherb: No white mice for Venice.. see Wikipedia

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